
Magnetar powered GRBs: Explaining the extended emission and X-ray plateau of short GRB light curves

, , and .
(Nov 6, 2013)


Extended emission (EE) is a high-energy, early time rebrightening sometimes seen in the light curves of short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). We present the first contiguous fits to the EE tail and the later X-ray plateau, unified within a single model. Our central engine is a magnetar surrounded by a fall-back accretion disc, formed by either the merger of two compact objects or the accretion-induced collapse of a white dwarf. During the EE phase, material is accelerated to super-Keplarian velocities and ejected from the system by the rapidly rotating (\$P 1 - 10\$ ms) and very strong (\$10^15\$ G) magnetic field in a process known as magnetic propellering. The X-ray plateau is modelled as magnetic dipole spin-down emission. We first explore the range of GRB phenomena that the propeller could potentially reproduce, using a series of template light curves to devise a classification scheme based on phenomology. We then obtain fits to the light curves of 9 GRBs with EE, simultaneously fitting both the propeller and the magnetic dipole spin-down and finding typical disc masses of a few \$10^-3\$ \$M\_ødot\$ to a few \$10^-2\$ \$M\_ødot\$. This is done for ballistic, viscous disc and exponential accretion rates. We find that the conversion efficiency from kinetic energy to EM emission for propellered material needs to be \$10\%\$ and that the best fitting results come from an exponential accretion profile.



  • @ericblackman

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