
A survey on datasets for fairness-aware machine learning

, , , , and .
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, (March 2022)
DOI: 10.1002/widm.1452


As decision-making increasingly relies on machine learning (ML) and (big) data, the issue of fairness in data-driven artificial intelligence systems is receiving increasing attention from both research and industry. A large variety of fairness-aware ML solutions have been proposed which involve fairness-related interventions in the data, learning algorithms, and/or model outputs. However, a vital part of proposing new approaches is evaluating them empirically on benchmark datasets that represent realistic and diverse settings. Therefore, in this paper, we overview real-world datasets used for fairness-aware ML. We focus on tabular data as the most common data representation for fairness-aware ML. We start our analysis by identifying relationships between the different attributes, particularly with respect to protected attributes and class attribute, using a Bayesian network. For a deeper understanding of bias in the datasets, we investigate interesting relationships using exploratory analysis.



  • @entoutsi
  • @quytai3985

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