We describe a system designed to measure the size, composition, and density of individual spherical particles in real time. It uses a Differential Mobility Analyzer (DMA) to select a monodisperse particle population and the single particle mass spectrometer to measure individual particle aerodynamic diameter. Together the mobility and aerodynamic diameters yield particle density. The mass spectrometer aerodynamic sizing resolution Delta d(nu a)/Delta d(nu a) is similar to 50 and > 100 for 200 nm and 800 nm particles respectively and together with the DMA the overall system resolution is 20. We demonstrate that the line shape of the aerodynamic size distribution can be used to identify asphericity. We present results from two operational schemes: one suitable for most applications, yielding particle density with a precision of +/- 2.5%, and a high precision variant, that uses an internal calibrant to remove any of the systematic errors and significantly improves the measurement quality. The high precision scheme is most suitable for laboratory studies, making it possible to follow slight changes in particle density. An application of the system to measure the density of hygroscopic particles in deep metastable phases near zero relative humidity is presented. The density data presented here are consistent with conclusions reached in a number of other studies, namely, that some particle systems, once deliquesced, persist as droplets down to near zero relative humidity.
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