
CAWS: a wiki system to improve workspace awareness to advance effectiveness of co-authoring activities

, , and .
CHI '07: CHI '07 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, page 2555--2560. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2007)


Crucial to effective collaborative writing is knowledge of what other people are doing and have done, what meaningful changes are made to a document, who is editing each section of a document and why. This is because awareness of individual and group activities is critical to successful collaboration. This paper presents the problems that surround co-authoring activities, and the advantages of using CAWS are explained and compared with other implementation and techniques for collaborative authoring. This co-authoring wiki based system (CAWS), aims to improve workspace awareness in order to improve user.s response to the document development activit.



  • @anneba

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