The IMPACT-es diachronic corpus of historical Spanish compiles over one
hundred books --containing approximately 8 million words-- in addition to a
complementary lexicon which links more than 10 thousand lemmas with
attestations of the different variants found in the documents. This textual
corpus and the accompanying lexicon have been released under an open license
(Creative Commons by-nc-sa) in order to permit their intensive exploitation in
linguistic research. Approximately 7% of the words in the corpus (a selection
aimed at enhancing the coverage of the most frequent word forms) have been
annotated with their lemma, part of speech, and modern equivalent. This paper
describes the annotation criteria followed and the standards, based on the Text
Encoding Initiative recommendations, used to the represent the texts in digital
form. As an illustration of the possible synergies between diachronic textual
resources and linguistic research, we describe the application of statistical
machine translation techniques to infer probabilistic context-sensitive rules
for the automatic modernisation of spelling. The automatic modernisation with
this type of statistical methods leads to very low character error rates when
the output is compared with the supervised modern version of the text.
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