
Comparative Analysis of Trans-Z-Source Inverter and Cascaded Multicell Trans-Z-Source Inverter

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 3 (7): 7-11 (June 2015)


The three phase inverters produce three phase waveform always less than the input DC voltage. To get more output from the inverter. Z-source that is combination of inductor and capacitors are used in the input side, but the boost operation is not so effective and also inverters with high-output voltage gain usually face the problem of high-input current flowing through their components. The problem might further be exaggerated if the inverters use high-frequency magnetic devices like transformers or coupled inductors. Leakage inductances of these devices must strictly be small to prevent over voltages caused by switching of their winding currents. To avoid these related problems, cascaded trans-Z-source inverters are proposed. They use multiple magnetic cells in an alternately cascading pattern rather than a single magnetic cell with large turn’s ratio. In this paper comparison of cascaded multicell Trans Z-source inverter and normal trans-z-source inverter is made for increasing the boost ratio. Analysis of these inverters is made using SIMULINK software and its performance has been analyzed.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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