
Three dimensional imaging of damage in structural materials using high resolution micro-tomography

, , , , , and .
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 238 (1-4): 75--82 (2005)Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science - Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2005.06.021


This paper presents recent results showing the ability of high resolution synchrotron X-ray micro-tomography to image damage initiation and development during mechanical loading of structural metallic materials. First, the initiation, growth and coalescence of porosities in the bulk of two metal matrix composites have been imaged at different stages of a tensile test. Quantitative data on damage development has been obtained and related to the nature of the composite matrix. Second, three dimensional images of fatigue crack have been obtained in situ for two different Al alloys submitted to fretting and/or uniaxial in situ fatigue. The analysis of those images shows the strong interaction of the cracks with the local microstructure and provides unique experimental data for modelling the behaviour of such short cracks.



  • @heprom

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