
Influence of Stellar Multiplicity On Planet Formation. I. An Insight From $Kepler$ Multiple Planet Candidate Systems

, , , and .
(2013)cite arxiv:1309.7097Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables, submitted to ApJ.


The planet occurrence rate for multiple stars is important in two aspects. First, almost half of stellar systems in the solar neighborhood are multiple systems. Second, the comparison of the planet occurrence rate for multiple stars to that for single stars sheds light on the influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation and evolution. We develop a method of distinguishing planet occurrence rate for single and multiple stars. From a sample of 138 bright (K$_P$$<$13.5) $Kepler$ multi-planet candidate systems, we compare the stellar multiplicity rate of these planet host stars to that of field stars. Using dynamical stability analyses and archival Doppler measurements, we find that the stellar multiplicity rate of planet host stars is significantly lower than field stars for semi-major axes less than 10 AU, suggesting that planet formation and evolution are suppressed by the presence of a close-in companion star at these separations. The influence of stellar multiplicity at larger separations is uncertain because of search incompleteness due to a limited Doppler observation time baseline and a lack of high resolution imaging observation. We validate the planet nature for KOI 82.01, KOI 115.01, KOI 282.01 and KOI 1781.02. This sample of bright $Kepler$ multi-planet candidates with refined stellar and orbital parameters, planet confidence estimation, and nearby stellar companion identification offers a well-characterized sample for future theoretical and observational study.



  • @danielcarrera

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