
Optomechanical Cavity Cooling of an Atomic Ensemble

, , , , and .
Physical Review Letters, (September 2011)
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.107.143005


We demonstrate cavity sideband cooling of a single collective motional mode of an atomic ensemble down to a mean phonon occupation number ⟨n⟩min⁡=2.0-0.3+0.9. Both ⟨n⟩min⁡ and the observed cooling rate are in good agreement with an optomechanical model. The cooling rate constant is proportional to the total photon scattering rate by the ensemble, demonstrating the cooperative character of the light-emission-induced cooling process. We deduce fundamental limits to cavity cooling either the collective mode or, sympathetically, the single-atom degrees of freedom.



  • @jacksankey

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