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%0 Journal Article
%1 Hall_1987
%A Hall, Peter
%D 1987
%I Institute of Mathematical Statistics
%J The Annals of Probability
%K skew statistics t-test
%N 3
%P 920--931
%R 10.1214/aop/1176992073
%T Edgeworth Expansion for Student\textquotesingles \textdollart\textdollar Statistic Under Minimal Moment Conditions
%V 15
added-at = {2018-03-04T02:01:53.000+0100},
author = {Hall, Peter},
biburl = {},
description = {Hall : Edgeworth Expansion for Student's $t$ Statistic Under Minimal Moment Conditions},
doi = {10.1214/aop/1176992073},
interhash = {d6b975200810848f5081600c46a79fe4},
intrahash = {08528f545b336f4bdf83a67f71456d5a},
journal = {The Annals of Probability},
keywords = {skew statistics t-test},
month = jul,
number = 3,
pages = {920--931},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematical Statistics},
timestamp = {2018-03-04T02:01:53.000+0100},
title = {Edgeworth Expansion for Student{\textquotesingle}s {\textdollar}t{\textdollar} Statistic Under Minimal Moment Conditions},
url = {},
volume = 15,
year = 1987