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%0 Book
%1 Cavalli-Sforza1981
%A Cavalli-Sforza, L. L.
%A Feldman, M. W.
%C Guildford
%D 1981
%I Princeton University Press
%K chapter3 culture evolution meme modelling
%T Cultural Transmission and Evolution
added-at = {2013-03-14T18:14:12.000+0100},
address = {Guildford},
author = {Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. and Feldman, M. W.},
biburl = {},
interhash = {e1e0bad96058800507150451fc670ec1},
intrahash = {677942e590437f16cd5642026dbac723},
keywords = {chapter3 culture evolution meme modelling},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
subtitle = {A Quantitative Approach},
timestamp = {2013-10-28T13:51:46.000+0100},
title = {Cultural Transmission and Evolution},
year = 1981