
Dependent Type Theory of Stateful Higher-Order Functions

, and .
TR-24-05. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA, (January 2005)


In this paper we investigate a logic for reasoning about programs with higher-order functions and effectful features like non-termination and state with aliasing. We propose a dependent type theory HTT (short for Hoare Type Theory), where types serve as program specifications. In case of effectful programs, the type of Hoare triples Px:AQ specifies the precondition P, the type of the return result A, and the postcondition Q. By Curry-Howard isomorphism, a dependent type theory may be viewed as a functional programming language. From this perspective, the type of Hoare triples is a monad, and HTT is a monadic language, whose pure fragment consists of higher-order functions, while the effectful fragment is a full Turingcomplete imperative language with conditionals, loops, recursion and commands for stateful operations like allocation, lookup and mutation of location content.



  • @miguel.pagano

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