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The jets-accretion relation, mass-luminosity relation in Fermi blazars

, , , , , , , , und .


A sample of 111 Fermi blazars each with a well-established radio core luminosity, broad-line luminosity, bolometric luminosity and black hole mass has been compiled from the literatures.We present a significant correlation between radio core and broad-line emission luminosities that supports a close link between accretion processes and relativistic jets. Analysis reveals a relationship of \$LogL\_BLR\sim(0.81\pm0.06)LogL\_R^C\$ which is consistant with theoretical predicted coefficient and supports that blazar jets are powered by energy extraction from a rapidly spinning Kerr black hole through the magnetic field provided by the accretion disk. Through studying the correlation between the intrinsic bolometric luminosity and the black hole mass, we find a relationship of \$LogL\_inL\_ødot=(0.95\pm0.26)LogMM\_ødot+(3.53\pm2.24)\$ which supports mass-luminosity relation for Fermi blazars derived in this work is a powerlaw relation similar to that for main-sequence stars. Finally, evolutionary sequence of blazars is discussed.



  • @ericblackman

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