Essai d'une recherche statistique sur le texte du roman ``Eugene
Onegin'' illustrant la liaison des epreuve en chain (`Example of a
statistical investigation of the text of ``Eugene Onegin" illustrating
the dependence between samples in chain')
A. Markov. Izvistia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk (Bulletin de l'Académie
Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg), (1913)English translation by Morris Halle, 1956..
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%0 Journal Article
%1 Mar13
%A Markov, A. A.
%B 6
%D 1913
%J Izvistia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk (Bulletin de l'Académie
Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg)
%K 2000 book nlp
%P 153--162
%T Essai d'une recherche statistique sur le texte du roman ``Eugene
Onegin'' illustrant la liaison des epreuve en chain (`Example of a
statistical investigation of the text of ``Eugene Onegin" illustrating
the dependence between samples in chain')
%V 7
added-at = {2008-03-17T11:27:54.000+0100},
author = {Markov, A. A.},
biburl = {},
interhash = {e56c253b0398259ec35cc226713c18f5},
intrahash = {524f90b3a901a933f9e1071f84276925},
journal = {Izvistia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk (Bulletin de {l'Acad\'{e}mie}
{Imp\'{e}riale} des Sciences de {St.-P\'{e}tersbourg)}},
keywords = {2000 book nlp},
note = {English translation by Morris Halle, 1956.},
pages = {153--162},
series = 6,
timestamp = {2008-03-17T11:32:50.000+0100},
title = {Essai d'une recherche statistique sur le texte du roman ``{E}ugene
{O}negin'' illustrant la liaison des epreuve en chain ({`Example} of a
statistical investigation of the text of ``{E}ugene {O}negin" illustrating
the dependence between samples in chain')},
volume = 7,
year = 1913