
A Layered Architecture for Quantum Computing Using Quantum Dots

, , , , , , and .
(2010)cite arxiv:1010.5022 Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures.


We address the challenge of designing a quantum computer architecture with a layered framework that is modular and facilitates fault-tolerance. The framework is flexible and could be used for analysis and comparison of differing quantum computer designs. Using this framework, we develop a complete, layered architecture for quantum computing with optically controlled quantum dots, showing how a myriad of technologies must operate synchronously to achieve fault-tolerance. Our design deliberately takes advantage of the large possibilities for integration afforded by semiconductor fabrication. Quantum information is stored in the electron spin states of a charged quantum dot controlled by ultrafast optical pulses. Optical control makes this system very fast, scalable to large problem sizes, and extensible to quantum communication or distributed architectures. The design of this quantum computer centers on error correction in the form of a topological surface code, which requires only local and nearest-neighbor gates. We analyze several important issues of the surface code that are relevant to an architecture, such as resource accounting and the use of Pauli frames. Furthermore, we investigate the performance of this system and find that Shor's factoring algorithm for a 2048-bit number can be executed in approximately one week.



  • @noswpat

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