In an effort to understand basic functional mechanisms that can produce
epileptic seizures, we introduce some key features in a model of
coupled neural populations that enable the generation of seizure-like
events and similar dynamics with the ones observed during the route
of the epileptic brain towards real seizures. In this model, modified
from David and Friston’s neural mass model, an internal feedback
mechanism is incorporated to maintain synchronous behavior within
normal levels despite elevated coupling. Normal internal feedback
quickly regulates an abnormally high coupling between the neural
populations, whereas pathological internal feedback can lead to hypersynchronization
and the appearance of seizure-like high amplitude oscillations. Feedback
decoupling is introduced as a robust seizure control strategy. An
external feedback decoupling controller is introduced to maintain
normal synchronous behavior. The results from the analysis in this
model have an interesting physical interpretation and specific implications
for the treatment of epileptic seizures. The proposed model and control
scheme are consistent with a variety of recent observations in the
human and animal epileptic brain, and with theories from nonlinear
systems, adaptive systems, optimization, and neurophysiology.
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