Teil eines Buches,

Pairing and polarization in systems with retarded interactions

, , und .
Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


In a system where a boson (e.g, a phonon) of finite frequency $ømega_0$ is coupled to lattice fermions, two phenomena occur as the coupling is increased: local fermion pairing via multiple boson exchanges and polarization of the boson field. Within a path integral formalism and a Dynamical Mean-Field approach, we introduce two distribution functions which allow us to pinpoint the two effects. When $ømega_0$ is smaller than the bandwidth $D$, pairing and polarization occur for fairly similar couplings for all considered temperatures. When $ømega_0 > D$, the two phenomena tend to coincide only for $T ømega_0$, but are no longer tied for low temperatures so that a state of locally paired particles without finite polarization is stabilized. The method used can be extended to determine the metal to Mott-insulator crossover at finite temperature.



  • @statphys23

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