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%0 Journal Article
%1 journals/corr/abs-1709-02967
%A Beers, Andrew
%A Chang, Ken
%A Brown, James M.
%A Sartor, Emmett
%A Mammen, C. P.
%A Gerstner, Elizabeth R.
%A Rosen, Bruce R.
%A Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree
%D 2017
%K dblp
%T Sequential 3D U-Nets for Biologically-Informed Brain Tumor Segmentation.
%V abs/1709.02967
added-at = {2021-11-17T00:00:00.000+0100},
author = {Beers, Andrew and Chang, Ken and Brown, James M. and Sartor, Emmett and Mammen, C. P. and Gerstner, Elizabeth R. and Rosen, Bruce R. and Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree},
biburl = {},
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interhash = {f058d1045a5fd5d94c5e806f49e69360},
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journal = {CoRR},
keywords = {dblp},
timestamp = {2024-04-08T23:08:32.000+0200},
title = {Sequential 3D U-Nets for Biologically-Informed Brain Tumor Segmentation.},
url = {},
volume = {abs/1709.02967},
year = 2017