
The Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of The Cosmic Horseshoe: A Test of Indirect Estimates

, , , , , , , , and . (2016)cite arxiv:1603.02309Comment: 10 pages, 8 Figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal.


High redshift star-forming galaxies are likely responsible for the reionization of the Universe, yet direct detection of their escaping ionizing (Lyman continuum) photons has proven to be extremely challenging. In this study, we search for escaping Lyman continuum of the Cosmic Horseshoe, a gravitationally lensed, star-forming galaxy at z=2.38 with a large magnification of $\sim24$. Transmission at wavelengths of low ionization interstellar absorption lines in the rest-frame ultraviolet suggest a patchy, partially transparent interstellar medium. This makes it an ideal candidate for direct detection of the Lyman continuum. We obtained a 10-orbit Hubble near-UV image using the WFC3/UVIS F275W filter that probes wavelengths just below the Lyman limit at the redshift of the Horseshoe in an attempt to detect escaping Lyman continuum radiation. After fully accounting for the uncertainties in the opacity of the intergalactic medium as well as accounting for the charge transfer inefficiency in the WFC3 CCDs, we find a $3 \sigma$ upper-limit for the relative escape fraction of $f_esc,rel<0.08$. This value is a factor of five lower than the value (0.4) predicted by the 40\% transmission in the low-ion absorption lines. We discuss the possible causes for this discrepancy and consider the implications for future attempts at both direct Lyman continuum detection as well as indirect estimates of the escape fraction.


[1603.02309] The Lyman Continuum Escape Fraction of The Cosmic Horseshoe: A Test of Indirect Estimates

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