
A-view: real-time collaborative multimedia e-learning

, , and . Proceedings of the third international ACM workshop on Multimedia technologies for distance learning, page 13--18. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2011)
DOI: 10.1145/2072598.2072602


The emergence of collaborative multimedia-based instructional technology has been a catalyst in creating virtual learning environments. Collaborative multimedia has enriched the form of teaching-learning milieu and brought powerful changes to the traditional classrooms emboldening viewer centered and social network based pedagogy. The paper initially delves into the germane effect of real-time collaborative multimedia on different levels of learning. Then we present a case study based on a unique architecture for collaborative multimedia environment. The client side architecture makes use of caching the multimedia content according to the user's state and available system resources for creating multimodal interactions for e-Learning. The server side architecture makes it possible to build a Real-Time Collaborative Multimedia e-Learning tool, sustaining support for large number of live users. In addition, we cover how simulations, quizzes, multiplayer games, online content such as graphics and recorded lectures help learners by increasing their autonomy, enhancing their interest in learning on multiple devices which varies from workstations with multiple large displays to mobile devices.



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