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%0 Journal Article
%1 Chen2003
%A Chen, Xiaohong
%A Linton, Oliver
%A Keilegom, Ingrid Van
%D 2003
%J Econometrica
%K imported
%N 5
%P 1591--1608
%T Estimation of Semiparametric Models when the Criterion Function Is
Not Smooth
%V 71
added-at = {2008-04-25T10:38:44.000+0200},
author = {Chen, Xiaohong and Linton, Oliver and Keilegom, Ingrid Van},
biburl = {},
day = 244,
interhash = {f877d2a998918a8e660e92feb57587e1},
intrahash = {791873dfe1749a3b6e8e00c09bc7de21},
journal = {Econometrica},
keywords = {imported},
month = Sep,
note = {doi: 10.1111/1468-0262.00461},
number = 5,
pages = {1591--1608},
timestamp = {2008-04-25T10:39:00.000+0200},
title = {Estimation of Semiparametric Models when the Criterion Function Is
Not Smooth},
url = {},
volume = 71,
year = 2003