
Finite size scaling analysis of ising model block distribution functions

Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter, 43 (2): 119--140 (June 1981)


The distribution functionPL(s) of the local order parameters in finite blocks of linear dimensionL is studied for Ising lattices of dimensionalityd=2, 3 and 4. Apart from the case where the block is a subsystem of an infinite lattice, also the distribution in finite systems with free PL(f)(s) and periodic PL(p)(s) boundary conditions is treated. Above the critical pointTc, these distributions tend for largeL towards the same gaussian distribution centered around zero block magnetization, while belowTc these distributions tend towards two gaussians centered at ±M, whereM is the spontaneous magnetization appearing in the infinite systems. However, belowTc the wings of the distribution at small |s| are distinctly nongaussian, reflecting two-phase coexistence. Hence the distribution functions can be used to obtain the interface tension between ordered phases. ER -



  • @gber

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