
Relaxation of a Single Knotted Ring Polymer

, and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


The relaxation of a single knotted ring polymer %with the trivial or the trefoil knot is studied by Brownian dynamics simulations. The relaxation rate $łambda_q$ for the wave number $q$ is estimated by the least square fit of the equilibrium time-displaced correlation function $C_q(t) = N^-1 \sum_i \sum_j C_i,j(t) 2\piq(j-i)/N $ to a double exponential decay at long times. Here, $N$ is the number of segments of a ring polymer and $C_i,j(t)$ denotes the equilibrium time-displaced correlation function of the positions of the $i$th and the $j$th segments relative to the center of mass of the polymer. \par Figure 1 shows log-log plots of $łambda_q$ versus $q/N$ for the single ring polymer with (a) the trivial knot and (b) the trefoil knot. The solid symbols represent the relaxation rates for $q=1$ and the open symbols represent those for $q>1$. The relaxation rate distribution of a single ring polymer with the trivial or the trefoil knot appears to behave as $ łambda_q A(1/N)^x $ for $q=1$ and $ łambda_q A'(q/N)^x' $ for $q>1$. In the case of the trivial knot, $x x' 2.15$ and $ A < A'$. These exponents are similar to that found for a linear polymer chain. The topological effect appears as the difference between the amplitudes, which does not appear for a linear polymer chain. In the case of the trefoil knot, $x 2.52$, $x' 1.95$ and $A > A'$. It is found that the slowest relaxation rate for each $N$ is given by $łambda_q$ with $q=2$ for the small values of $N$ and that with $q=1$ for the large values of $N$. This transition is considered to be caused by the change of the structure of the ring polymer from a ``uniform'' state for small $N$, where the knotted part is extended widely along the ring polymer, to a ``phase segregated'' state for large $N$, where the knotted part is localized to a part of the ring polymer and the rest of the ring polymer behaves like a ring polymer with the trivial knot. See figure 2. \par This localization of the knotted part is confirmed by the analysis of the ``average structure.'' The ``average structure'' is obtained self-consistently by averaging many structures obtained from simulations, which are translated and rotated to be matched to the ``average structure.'' Note that the ``average structure'' does not necessarily preserve the topology of the original structures. The ``average structures'' of the ring polymer with the trefoil knot are shown in figure 3 for $N=24$ and $192$. The ``average structure'' changes from the double-loop structure for small $N$ to the single-loop structure for large $N$. This change corresponds to the localization of the knotted part of the ring polymer.

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