
There is an abundance of ultrastructural data in the literature on vascular, visceral, and other smooth muscles; such data on airway smooth muscle, however, are conspicuously missing. Here we present a series of electron micrographs depicting contractile and cytoskeletal elements as well as organelles in porcine trachealis. Myosin thick filaments are present in the relaxed muscle; thick filament density increases substantially when the muscle is activated. Actin thin filaments are present in large excess over the thick filaments; the thin/thick filament ratio is about 31/1 in the relaxed state; this ratio is reduced to about 22/1 when the muscle is activated. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is often found associated with caveolae and mitochondria. Cells within a bundle are well connected by intermediate and gap junctions. The results demonstrate that quantitative morphological analysis of ultrastructure of airway smooth muscle fixed under different functional states is possible and will be essential in elucidating the structural basis of adaptation and contraction of the muscle. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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