
Personalization in the Context of Relevance-Based Visualization

. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics at IUI'2017, page 49--50. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2017)
DOI: 10.1145/3038462.3038474


In this talk, I will review our research attempts to implement different kinds of personalization in the context of relevance-based visualization. The goal of this research stream is to make relevance-based visualization adaptive to user long-term goals, interests, or prospects rather just responsive to short term immediate needs such as query terms. I will present four personalized relevance-based visualization systems: Adaptive VIBE, TalkExplorer, SetFusion, and IntersectionExplorer, For each system, I will present its idea, some evaluation results, and lessons learned.

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  • @brusilovsky
  • @aho
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