
Massive open online courses (MOOCs): educational innovation or threat to higher education?

. Proceedings of the Workshop on Open Source and Design of Communication, page 99--99. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2012)
DOI: 10.1145/2316936.2316953


MOOCs are receiving the intense attention of the media and, in turn, of academic and industry researchers fascinated by their potential to revolutionize educational access and life-long learning. The presentation introduces MOOCs and traces their history and development both inside and outside the academy. This leads to an overview of documented strengths of MOOCs as elaborated upon by various educational technology futurists. These futurists and media accounts make it difficult to argue against taking up the charge and contributing to the next great educational wave. Still, as exciting as these promises and potentials are, I want also to describe the various challenges presented by MOOCs, challenges for learners, instructors and faculty, educational administrators and educational institutions in general. And the stakes for these developments can't be underestimated. Google, MIT, Georgia Tech, Stanford, and many others are investing millions of dollars in MOOC initiatives and start-ups. Investing in what has been called "the single biggest change in education since the printing press.".


Massive open online courses (MOOCs)

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