
Today internet is considered as one of the basic need for human being and to make it more interactive various technologies have been developed and cloud computing is one of them. Cloud computing is a well-known technology which has become today’s important research area due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing. It is one of the enticing technology which provides various services to its user as per demand over the internet. Social media channels, corporate structures and individual consumers all are switching towards the magnificent world of cloud computing. This technology is having security issues of data confidentiality, data integrity and data availability. Cloud is a mere collection of tangible super computers spread across the world so authentication and authorization for data access is more than a necessity. Proposed work attempts to overcome security threats related to data in data bases over cloud. The proposed methodology suggests the encryption of the data uploaded on the cloud using various algorithms available for cloud encryption and also tries to provide an efficient access to encrypted data in database over cloud

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