
Gauge Dependent Local Order Parameters of Quantum Disordered States : Characterization by Berry Connections

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Based on the symmetry breaking, a characterization of phases by local order parameters forms one of the basic notions in physics. However it has now become clear that some of interesting classes of phases are not well described by the scheme. Various kinds of quantum Hall states, correlated electron systems with spin gap and quantum spin liquids such as frustrated spins and quantum dimer phases can be in the classses. These are quantum disordered states where strong quantum fluctuations and their low dimensionality prevent from formation of local orders. Although there are no classical local order parameters to characterize these quantum disordered phases, it is possible to define quantum local order parameters which are relevant for the states1,2. Classical order parameters are invariant for the phase change of the quantum state (generically unitary invariant) since any observable which has its classical correspondent is given by an expectation value of some hermite operator (trace over the states). Since the phase change or the unitary transformation generically induces gauge transformation in the corresponding Berry connection, the classical observables are necessarily gauge invariants. However there are other classes of purely quantum objects which depend on the gauge of the Berry connection3. Berry phases are typical quantities which belong to these quantum classes. This Berry phases are gauge dependent but uniquely defined in modulo $2\pi$1-3. Using the berry connections, quantum order parameters are defined for some of the quantum disordered phases and successfully characterize the states locally1,2,4. When the system respects an anti-unitary symmetry such as the time-reversal, the Berry phases as the local order parameters are necessarily quantized as $0$ or $\pi$. It is quite useful for the local identification of the phase. Results for the quantum dimer spins in one- and two-dimensions1,2 and the translational invariant $t-J$ model for the correlated electons systems4 are demonstrated. In principle, these quantum order parameters can be even measured by quantum interference experiments. 1) ``Quantized Berry Phases as Local Order Parameters of Quantum Liquids'', Y. Hatsugai,J.\ Phys. \ Soc.\ Jpn.\ (Lett.) \ 75, 123601 (2006).\\ 2) ``Quantized Berry phases for a local characterization of spin liquids in frustrated spin systems'', Y. Hatsugai, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 19, 145209 (2007).\\ 3) Y. Hatsugai, J.\ Phys. \ Soc.\ Jpn.\ 73, 2604-2607 (2004), \ 74, 1374-1377 (2005).\\ 4) I. Maruyama and Y. Hatsugai, to be published.

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