
Body image among 22 persons with acquired and congenital severe mobility impairment.

. Paraplegia, 27 (1): 27--35 (February 1989)


Interviews concerning body image were conducted with 10 persons with tetraplegia due to traumatic spinal cord injury and 12 persons with cerebral palsy. They all needed a wheelchair and daily assistance from another person. Their satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their body in different situations was reported on a visual analogue scale. The body size as estimated on a Body Puzzle was compared with true measurements. The body mass index of the 22 persons was calculated. These results showed only slight differences between the groups of persons with acquired and congenital motor impairment and did not differ from the results in a reference group. Information was obtained about different experiences of the interviewed persons, e.g. those from the viewpoint of a wheelchair user, lack of body language and moving about in dreams. In general, the adjustments made to the problems concerning body image by the persons with severe mobility impairment were successful. This finding is important in the light of the efforts among persons with severe mobility impairment to reach equality and 'a normal life'.

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