
Converting pvmmake to mpimake under LAM, and MPI and Parallel Genetic Programming

. MPI Developers Conference, (February 1995)


This looks at the issues which arose in porting the pvmmake utility from pvm to mpi. Pvmmake is a pvm application which allows a user to send files, execute commands, and receive results from a single machine on any machine in the virtual machine. It's actions are controlled by the contents of an agenda file. It's most common use is to enable management of the development of a parallel program in a heterogeneous environment. A utility with the same features, mpimake, was coded up to run under LAM. Genetic programming is an algorithm which evolves a program to solve your input problem. The implementation under MPI requires the transfer of data structures such as lists and trees. The match between the requirements of this algorithm and the datatype feature in mpi will be discussed.

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  • @brazovayeye
  • @yijunyu
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