
Genetic Evolution of Symbolic Signal Models

, und . Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Algorithms in Signal Processing, NASP'93, Essex University, UK, (15-16 November 1993)


This paper reports on a novel method of signal modelling that employs a variable model structure as opposed to the fixed model structure used in conventional methods. The functional form of the model along with any required numerical parameters are simultaneously estimated from the signal sequence to be modelled. This is accomplished by defining the model functional and its parameters in terms of structured lists of symbols, and using an estimation algorithm that can infer symbol lists from the given data. Motivated by the recent work in cellular coding and evolutionary computation, we use Genetic Programming (GP) to evolve high quality model structures. This is based on a coding of the model in terms of an expression tree in polish form which can then be manipulated and optimised using standard Genetic algorithm (GA) techniques. In conjunction with the model structure evolution, we use Simulated Annealing to optimise the numerical parameters of the model and a set of production rules to minimise the model order. The paper discusses how these three processes can be combined to yield a powerful general purpose modelling system

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