
Introduction to Lattice QCD

. (1998)cite arxiv:hep-lat/9807028 Comment: Lectures given at the LXVIII Les Houches Summer School "Probing the Standard Model of Particle Interactions", July 28-Sept 5, 1997. 150 pages.


These notes aim to provide a pedagogical introduction to Lattice QCD. The topics covered include the scope of LQCD calculations, lattice discretization of gauge and fermion (naive, Wilson, and staggered) actions, doubling problem, improved gauge and Dirac actions, confinement and strong coupling expansions, phase transitions in the lattice theory, lattice operators, a general discussion of statistical and systematic errors in simulations of LQCD, the analyses of the hadron spectrum, glueball masses, the strong coupling constant, and the quark masses.


Introduction to Lattice QCD

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