
Semantic Annotation is a basic technology for intelligent content and is beneficial in a wide range of contentoriented intelligent applications. In this paper we present our work in ontology-based semantic annotation, which is embedded in a scenario of a knowledge portal application. Starting with seemingly good and bad manual semantic annotation, we describe our experiences made within the KA # -initiative. The experiences gave us the starting point for developing an ergonomic and knowledge base-supported annotation tool. Furthermore, the annotation tool described are currently extended with mechanisms for semi-automatic information-extraction based annotation. Supporting the evolving nature of semantic content we additionally describe our idea of evolving ontologies supporting semantic annotation. 1 Introduction The KA # -initiative (Knowledge Annotation initiative of the Knowledge Acquisition community) was launched at EKAW in 1997 in order to provide semantic access to inform...

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  • @deynard
  • @mchaves
  • @dblp
  • @dbenz
  • @madhi
  • @cbrewster
@dbenz- тэги данного пользователя выделены