
Collaborative Ontology Building with Wiki@nt - A multi-agent based ontology building environment

, and . (2004)


Collaborative ontology building requires both knowledge integration and knowledge reconciliation. Wiki@nt is an ontology building environment that supports collaborative ontology development. Wiki@nt is based on OSHOQP(D), an extension to SHOQ(D) with O (partial order on axioms) and P (localized axioms in package ) constructors.Wiki@nt supports integration and reconciliation of multiple independently developed, semantically heterogeneous, and very likely inconsistent ontology modules. A web browser based editor interface is provided, with features to support team work, version control, page locking, and navigation.

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  • @swalk
  • @bluedolphin
  • @fraktalek
  • @butonic
  • @dblp
@fraktalek's tags highlighted