
An Easy Guide How to Operate the COSTAT Software for Statistical analysis of Biological Sciences

(Eds.) Reviews of Progress, (May 2014)


COSTATis a program used for the statistical analysis of biological sciences to analyze the data. It is a DOS based software, however can also be run in Windows having system type of 32-bit operating system. To interpret the results, there is need to analyze the data by using COSTAT statistical software. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is employed to analyze the data then this data is interpreted in results. There are different types of ANOVA (One way analysis of variance is a way to test the equality of three or more means at one time by using variances and two way analysis of variance is an extension to the one-way analysis of variance. There are two independent variables, hence the name two-way), and tests such as Duncan's Multiple Range Test, applicable to an experimental data. In COSTAT, Variables means number of parameters (e.g. Shoot Height, Shoot Weight, Root Height, Root Weight etc.) under study. COSTATcan analyze three factors at a time.

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