
A Run-time Detection System for Malicious URLs in Twitter

, , , and . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 3 (1): 144--147 (January 2015)
DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150130


Twitter is web based application which provide the service of sharing and mentioning the tweets and messages, which is social networking service. Twitter message could be a context information, or a URLs. Spam, scam, malicious distribution can be done easily with these URLs, spams and malicious data are usually a suspicious URLs with share another URLs in it. These URLs are known as URLs redirect chains, it is a repetition URLs. They itself contain too many URLs which is called as spam URLs. Generally there are several schemes to find such spam URLs, and they are evasion using time – based and evasion using crawling. This system is design to find- detect such spam or suspicious URLs- tweets from many other tweets, The URLS redirect chains frequently share the same URLs, and have been reused usually by attackers because they have limited resources. A Run-time Detection System for Malicious URLs in Twitter has method to show and detect the suspiciousness of the correlated URLs redirect chains, which are commonly shared URLs

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