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Towards precise and accurate Cepheid chemical abundances for 1$\%$ $H_0$ measurement: temperature determination

, , , und .
(2020)cite arxiv:2001.05881Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in RRL/CEP2019 conference proceedings.


One of the outstanding problems in modern physics is the origin is of accelerated expansion of the universe. High-precision determinations of the Hubble parameter $H_0$ at different redshifts provide direct insight into the Universe expansion: equation of state of the Dark Energy, geometry and curvature of space, sum of neutrino masses and isotropy of the Universe. We investigate the effect of chemical composition on the classical distance ladder based on Cepheids stars and Supernovae type Ia. Cepheids belonging to Magellanic Clouds represent a natural anchor for the ladder, due to their proximity and the very well known geometric distance. Accordingly, the LACES collaboration collected the largest spectroscopic sample of MCs Cepheids, containing more than 300 stars and more than 1200 medium-high resolution spectra. Abundance measurements, performed by equivalent width and curve of growth analysis, have been tested on a wide grid of synthetic spectra to quantify the systematic arising from this procedure. We focus on the errors arising from temperature measurements, using the Line Depth Ratio method. We find that in order to not bias the final results many aspects (e.g. degeneracy of the atmospheric parameters, instrumental set up etc.) should be explicitly taken into account. In particular, there is a not negligible metallicity dependence.



  • @gpkulkarni

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