
We study the interplay between evolutionary game and network structure andshow how the dynamics of the game affect the growth pattern of the network andhow the evolution of the network influence the cooperative behavior in thegame. Simulation results show that the payoff-based preferential attachmentmechanism leads to the emergence of a scale-free structural property, $P(k)\simk^-\gamma$. Moreover, we investigate the average path length and theassortative mixing features. The obtained results indicate that the network hassmall-world and positive assortative behaviors, which are consistent with theobservations of some real social networks. In parallel, we found that theevolution of the underlying network structure effectively promotes thecooperation level of the game. We also investigate the wealth distributionobtained by our model, which is consistent with the Pareto law in the realobservation. In addition, the analysis of the generated scale-free networkstructure is provided for better understanding the evolutionary dynamics of ourmodel.

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