
Climate Jobs: Building a workforce for the climate emergency

(Eds.) Report, Campaign against Climate Change, London, (October 2021)


“Climate Jobs: Building a workforce for the climate emergency” provides a detailed and in-depth update of the Million Climate Jobs report (2014), demonstrating that there are many more than a million good, well paid, skilled jobs that could be created if we get serious and urgently tackle the climate emergency, as the science demands. But to do this requires us to break from the failed reliance on the market and instead to invest in a huge expansion of public sector jobs across all sectors from transport, energy and food to homes, education and more, which are essential to tackling the climate crisis. At the heart of this, we argue, needs to be a National Climate Service which can organise, plan, train workers and deliver the jobs so urgently needed. The changes needed are ones which will improve our lives, ensuring among other things we have warm homes, a fully integrated public transport system and most importantly a safe climate and ecology now and in the future.

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