
Implementation of Web Application for Disease Prediction Using AI

. BOHR International Journal of Computer Science, 1 (1): 6-10 (September 2021)
DOI: 10.54646/BIJCS.002


The Internet is the largest source of information created by humanity. It contains a variety of materials available in various formats such as text, audio, video and much more. In all web scraping is one way. It is a set of strategies here in which we get information from the website instead of copying the data manually. Many Web-based data extraction methods are designed to solve specific problems and work on ad hoc domains. To enable Web Scraping, a variety of tools and technologies have been created. Regrettably, the propriety and ethics of employing these Web Scraping programmes are frequently neglected. There are hundreds of online scraping applications available today, the most of which are written in Java, Python, or Ruby. There is both commercial software and open source software. For novices in web cutting, web-based applications such as YahooPipes, Google Web Scrapers, and Outwit Firefox plugins are the finest options. Web extraction is basically used to cut this manual extraction and editing process and provide an easy and better way to collect data from a web page and convert it into the desired format and save it to a local or archive directory. . In this paper, among others the kind of scrub, we focus on those techniques that extract the content of a Web page. In particular, we use scrubbing techniques for a variety of diseases with their own symptoms and precautions.

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