
Redux: A Dynamic Dataflow Tracer

, and . Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., (2003)http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/entcs/entcs89.html#NethercoteM03.


Redux is a tool that generates dynamic dataflow graphs. It generates there graphs by tracing program's execution and recording every value-producing operation that takes place, building up a complete computational history of every value produced. For that execution, by considering the parts of the graph reachable from system call inputs, we can choose to see only the dataflow that affects the outside world. Redux works with program binaries, and thus is not restricted to programs written in any particular language. We explain how Redux works, and show how dynamic dataflow graphs give the essence of program's computation. We show how Redux can be used for debugging and program slicing, and consider a range of other possible uses.



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