
LABORATORY REPORT 774 mm2 aluminium alloy conductor exhibiting a rich occurrence of flakes in the wires Fatigue tests

. (1979)


The Swedish State Power Board has previously carried out fatigue tests on a 774 mm 2 aluminium alloy conductor exhibiting a rich occurrence of flakes in the wires. The conductor was tested in the bare state under the action of pulsating tensile loads. In these tests all wire fractures developed from flakes of varying sizes. Now some fatigue tests under the action of lexural vibrations have been carried out in order to follow up whether lakes will have a similar influence when the conductor is stretched over a stringing sheave or equipped with armour rods and a suspension clamp. Two fatigue tests relating to the group conductor-armour rods-suspension clamp were also made under the action of pulsating tensile loads. t is seen from static tests on the wires that the flakes had such severity that the static strength of the wires, as well as the ductility, was affected. n spite of this fact the flakes proved to be of secondary importance from the atigue point of view under these combined conditions. Fretting was found o be the dominant factor in the development of fatigue fractures. owever, taking into account the complex nature of conductor fatigue this eport is not establishing any acceptance criteria to be applied commercially to flakes and other imperfections. The relevant standard specifications and dditional quality control specifications, if any, are to be followed as well s good praxis.

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