Beliebiger Eintrag,

A note of clarification: BICEP2 and Planck are not in tension

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The apparent discrepancy between the value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio reported by the BICEP2 collaboration, \$r = 0.20^+0.07\_-0.05\$ at 68\% CL, and the Planck upper limit, \$r < 0.11\$ at 95\% CL, has attracted a great deal of attention. In this short note, we show that this discrepancy is mainly due to an `apples to oranges' comparison. The result reported by BICEP2 was measured at a pivot scale \$k\_* = 0.05\$ Mpc\$^-1\$, assuming \$n\_t = 0\$, whereas the Planck limit was provided at \$k\_* = 0.002\$ Mpc\$^-1\$, assuming the slow-roll consistency relation \$n\_t = -r/8\$. One should obviously compare the BICEP2 and Planck results under the same circumstances. By imposing \$n\_t = 0\$, the Planck constraint at \$k\_* = 0.05\$ Mpc\$^-1\$ becomes \$r < 0.135\$ at \$95\%\$ CL, which can be compared directly with the BICEP2 result. Once a plausible dust contribution to the BICEP2 signal is taken into account (DDM2 model), \$r\$ is reduced to \$r = 0.16^+0.06\_-0.05\$ and the discrepancy becomes of order \$1.3\sigma\$ only.



  • @ericblackman

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