
Principles of Usability in Human-Computer Interaction

, and . Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, page 51--57. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2016)


This paper try to address problems that come out when designing a web page and how these problems affect people who use it. We will try to find the way to make our web pages easy to use and to give our user as little obstacles in his efforts as possible. He has to feel that every time he comes back to our web site, everything is on places where it should be and that everything acts as it should. One could say he has to see that everything looks normal. In this paper our aim will be to address web users, their needs and ways to improve their overall efficiency with achieving their tasks. We go through all main parts of usability issues according HCI as well as the current state of the art based on the most cited or specialised literature.


Principles of Usability in Human-Computer Interaction | SpringerLink

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