
Regard sur la nature de SignWriting (SW), un système pour représenter les langues des signes (LS).

. Dossiers d'HEL Histoire Épistémologie Langage, (2016)


An overview on the nature of SignWriting (SW), a system for representing sign languages Sign Languages (SL) have not developed their own writing system and, since they use a different communication channel, cannot be represented by adapting a system designed for spoken languages (LV). Many graphics solutions have been developed to represent the LS, but they all have serious deficiencies. An exception is SignWriting (SW), which is the object of our study. We first present SW, showing its characteristics compared to other methods of representation of the LS and to the existing systems of writing LV: after determining what it is not, we propose a new definition of SW, outside of any conventional type of writing, showing as well its ability to provide implicitly a variety of information.


Anvur classe A E221071 ESF class Int2 Scopus journal 5700184173 DOAJ

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