
Of Mice and Pen: Effects of Input Device on Different Age Groups Performing Goal-Oriented Tasks

. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 51 (1): 45-49 (2007)
DOI: 10.1177/154193120705100110


Convertible tablet PCs can use a pen or a mouse for input. The pen is better suited than the mouse for some tasks because of its interaction properties, and research has shown it may ameliorate age-related decrements in performance. This study compared the pen and mouse on a series of realistic tasks for older (55–69) and younger (18–30) adults. Precision tasks were better served by the mouse, while ballistic tasks with strong analogs to real-world actions were served equally well by the pen or the mouse. Older adults were slower than younger adults on both devices, but contrary to the research hypothesis, no benefits were observed specifically for older adults with the pen. This study reinforces findings regarding the importance of task demands when selecting input devices. Younger adults seemed more willing than older adults to embrace the pen.


Of Mice and Pen: Effects of Input Device on Different Age Groups Performing Goal-Oriented Tasks

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