%0 Journal Article
%1 simmhan_survey_2005
%A Simmhan, Y.
%A Plale, B.
%A Gannon, D.
%D 2005
%J SIGMOD Record
%K provenance workflow
%N 3
%P 31--36
%T A survey of data provenance in e-science
%V 34
added-at = {2009-02-18T23:12:11.000+0100},
author = {Simmhan, Y. and Plale, B. and Gannon, D.},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2299722a6f0ae5afdb7936185cf3dc013/mbjones.89},
interhash = {fae7f2f22630dae1441c2b8ddab28cfb},
intrahash = {299722a6f0ae5afdb7936185cf3dc013},
journal = {{SIGMOD} Record},
keywords = {provenance workflow},
number = 3,
pages = {31--36},
timestamp = {2009-02-18T23:41:23.000+0100},
title = {A survey of data provenance in e-science},
volume = 34,
year = 2005