
A model for signal transduction during quorum sensing in Vibrio harveyi

, , and . (2009)cite arxiv:0910.2084Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, IOP style files included.


We present a framework for analyzing luminescence regulation during quorumsensing in the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio harveyi. Using asimplified model for signal transduction in the quorum sensing pathway, weidentify key dimensionless parameters that control the system's response. Theseparameters are estimated using experimental data on luminescence phenotypes fordifferent mutant strains. The corresponding model predictions are consistentwith results from other experiments which did not serve as inputs fordetermining model parameters. Furthermore, the proposed framework leads tonovel testable predictions for luminescence phenotypes and for responses of thenetwork to different perturbations.


[0910.2084] A model for signal transduction during quorum sensing in \emph{Vibrio harveyi}

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