
Identification of Categories and Choices in Activity Diagrams

, , , and . QSIC '05: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Quality Software, page 55--63. Washington, DC, USA, IEEE Computer Society, (2005)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/QSIC.2005.36


The choice relation framework (CHOC' LATE) provides a systematic skeleton for constructing test cases from specifications. An early stage of the framework is to identify a set of categories and choices from the speci- fication, which is not a trivial task when this document is largely informal and complex. Despite the difficulty, the identification task is very important because the quality of the identified categories and choices will affect the comprehensiveness of the test cases and, hence, the chance of revealing software faults. This paper alleviates the problem by introducing a technique for identifying categories and choices from the activity diagrams in the specification. This technique also helps determine the relations between some pair of choices in the choice relation table - an essential step of CHOC' LATE for the subsequent generation of test cases.


ST: Vorgehensweise: Aktivitätsdiagramme werden an Entscheidungspunkten mit „guard conditions“ versehen. Der vorgestellte Algorithmus kann nun basierend darauf eine Kategorien und bilden und Repräsentanten auswählen. Eignung: Diese Vorgehensweise ist vielversprechend da in unserem Ansatz die Aktivitätsdiagramme ebenfalls mit „guard conditions“ versehen sind. Die Testdaten könnten so vollständig automatisch abgeleitet werden.

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