@inproceedings{Nitsche2013d, abstract = {Searching the WWW has become an important task in today’s information society. Nevertheless, users will mostly find static search user interfaces (SUIs) with results being only calculated and shown after the user triggers a button. This procedure is against the idea of flow and dynamic development of a natural search process. The main difficulty of good SUI design is to solve the conflict between good usability and presentation of relevant information. Serving a UI for every task and every user group is especially hard because of varying requirements. Dynamic search user interface elements allow the user to manage desired information fluently. They offer the possibility to add individual meta information, like tags, to the search process and enrich it thereby.}, added-at = {2013-12-02T14:33:36.000+0100}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, author = {Nitsche, Marcus and Uhde, Florian and Haun, Stefan and N\"{u}rnberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2389c525936ca1a5ad6f0f19e5e9b9073/mnitsche}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (EuroHCIR)}, editor = {Wilson, Max L. and Russell-Rose, Tony and Larsen, Birger and Hansen, Preben and Norling, Kristian}, interhash = {db11d4ff60419cbc3eef9d43e73527f6}, intrahash = {389c525936ca1a5ad6f0f19e5e9b9073}, keywords = {dke myown}, month = aug, pages = {47-50}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, timestamp = {2014-01-10T14:22:21.000+0100}, title = {{Dynamics in Search User Interfaces}}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1033/paper13.pdf}, volume = 1033, year = 2013 }